1+1 down, 2more to go.
i seriously am sick, sick of projects. my brain died on me today. i probably drank all my brain juice out today, totally cant think. and so i panicked at 3a.m cos i was still facing a blank document with only "trends in resort development". thanks babe for the help, thanks for being there always :) shes jus so smart, she vommited every fact out within that spilt second. eh WHY ARH? hahha
o0ps! wont be attendin school ltr, im clearing my leave haha. ok naughty girl. but seriously.. i cant wake up! and i have yet to edit another proj of mine. so might as well sleep through the cold cold night yeah.
after doin few projs related to buggies.. i finally sat on 1 ystd. hahaha i thought i was whispering and whinning to babe when the guy drove passed, that ive never sat on a buggy before and how lazy i am that i cant walk outta sch. the next thing i knew, he stopped and offered to give us a ride and so we hopped on. how absurd! x) quite fast ah.. probably 30km/hr HAHAHHA!
look at how happy babe is!! lol
I manage to learn something from the Entrepreneurial Forum: Learn and understand chinese and the Chinese
My mom was being irritating just now while i was walkin to the kitchen to have a drink and not looking for food. mind you. "eh why are u so bpui? " ^$%$&(*$#$@!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay i miss rugby :(
Honestly what will become of me
Don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
Miss everything daydreaming
Why do all good things come to an end
good mornin'
kissed : 5:29 AM
rahhhH. i so don't miss calvin and derru no more >.<
Daytona14 today, was blinded by the rain and the drops. how terrible! tsktsk. Then, i fell asleep on the way to town and went all e way to Shenton Way -_-. Anyways, had NewYork x2 for dinner with babe and Elisabeth! WAH spoilt for choice mann! everything looks good on e menu =) i was starving that i "nibbled" and i totally forgot to snap some shots. DAMN. food's not badd.. reasonable!
But i spent all of my $ alr and im tryin to figure out who owes me $ hahha! yea i know its lame, but i learnt it from serene HAHA! so anyone owes me any $? otherwise.. u can just pretend tt u owe me heh! babe was nice to share with me the hot salty chocolate at bean.. and for her kindness, Mr Meng appeared again! bwahaha is this fate or is this just a lucky strike. 1 teh-ping for u calvin, please count me in next time. thanks :)
***This is random.. but why is every single girl out there so not everr contented with their size? or should i say, always wanting to shed some weight? how skinny is skinny? how fat is fat? who is to judge? its really annoying when i see skinny girls complain how fatt they are. its really disturbing when i hear ppl say ppl fatt. u know who u are arh.
Weight issues don't really bother me.. till recently. there's nothing wrong with being fatt or alil bigger; its just extra skin. they do glow! what's the point of being skinny but looking like a walking zombie deprived of nutrients. Seein how friends toture em self, starving.. enduring the gastric pains.. restricting onself to only water and juice.
Losing weight aint as easy, but i'll try. any advise? HAHA! im rather sick of people's words and of course, myself, i'll do something about it. let's hope its successful yeah :) some tips from Elisabeth.
The thought of waking up at 7 tmr jus kills me! im gonna sleep throughout the Entrepreneurial Talk. give me a break, i needa kitkat. oops i cant eat kitkat. how about TIME OUT? ive been a pigg.. haven't been touchin on projs :( im so gonna die lah. will do tmr, i'll make sure. and i've been skipping schools, just cant bear to drag myself outta my cozy bed to wake up for morning lectures and tutorials! hahha will learn to clear my leave, right maria? lol
Its been 1 day, and im missing em! :)) hows the trannies there huh? do update us! its gonna be 4 more silent nights without em.. no more OOOOOUUUuuuuuuu OOUUUUUUUuu!! its okay, will tahan. Before sendin em off, lunch at fish & Co. and poor kenneth and sayang no money, so we were kind enough to treat em to lunch! awwww. hahha. I WANT MY CLOTHE!!!
It all seems so much fun.. i want my fun too. hopefully x)
kissed : 2:58 AM
missssss gardens & the lame jokes! and of course..
i miss calvin and derru too! :D
kissed : 5:14 AM
omg my head's spinning, its as if i drank half a bottle of JD. back from school.. finally home sweet home! =) 1 proj down, 3 to go. Stayed over at G's house to finish up everything. while doin so.. played with Bambi. she's too cute to be ignored. awwww
Anyways, lets start off with Monday. had a 3hr break in btw so we wenta G's house. pheee weee! and my new found friend= Bambi who looks like a hotdog. haha

Next was Nan's birthday @Giraffe! the food portion was huge! which explains the price. and the birthday cake was so thick and sinful! but yummilicious!! look at that! it's been ages since i met Angel!! and thrs always a topic about her boobs! haha and look at serene's piggy face
serene's inspired piggy pose. (x Nan: hope u enjoyed the 19th yr of ur life and of course the bday celebration and the present! :) Off to Acid Bar/Rouge.. live's band pretty good and they play great love music! love tt place!
Had Daytona12 on tuesday! im gonna chiong alr.. cannot afford to slack and miss any more practicals! TP COMING SOOON!
met flower by coincidence in the toilet!! damn funny.. haha miss u all the brothers!
Couple of pictures taken while working.. oops :X
kissed : 7:11 PM
so much for nothing. fuck it
kissed : 2:22 AM
thankgoditsfridaynight.. and i jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uuuuuuuuuuuuusssssstt. got some rest finally! hahaha omg i loooove 'n sync! its like de best boyband ever!
its been a hectic week i must say and im not used to sleeping to tt pethetic few hours. i get really moody and grumpie :(
OH YES MR BOH THYE JU! u r the most longwinded lecturer ive ever met! i know this is horrible but i needa rant i cant stand u at all! you've made my moody days even moodier! i don't need ur stupid stories about how good ur wife is at making kaya and your son being in the best accounting class in SMU but apparently he's not smart. and how you have clinch the "General Manager" post within spilt seconds all thanks to ur lor-so ness.
loook! i can even rmb ur stories when i should be memorising the lecture notes instead. oh no wonder i scored a C+ for my franchise! u gotta learn to shut that mouth of yours and only talk when u have to. or maybe its time for YOU to retire since ur white hair are growing way outta ur cheap brown dye.
pls excuse me for tt. hes jus damn annoying! RAHHh
i almost forgot its friday today when i got home. it just slipped my mind.. seee! no sleep=no brain cells. and what am i doin at home on a friday night!? sighs. so shagged, just returned home not long. stayed in school to borrow books for proj OKAYY and it was so damn exhausting just like tt.
am so gonna flunk my travel & leisure test today which i only studied for 2hrs before i went for my 2hrs sleep. shessh this cant go on! i needa do better to push my GPA up up up!
so far.. how was ur 2007? not good for me.. its been sch and projs and tts it. no social life; how depressing. :( its gonna be like this for the next 2 to 3 weeks. except for the 20th.
i have been good, no e-commercing for me recently. on the other hand.. my bro's like addicted, calls me everyday while hes suppose to be working; to check out stuff online. im like "shuddup im doin my proj dont ask me to look at sprees." what have i gotten my bro into.. hahhahah o wells.
bedtime now. finallllly! :))
this pic is quite commical hhaah
kissed : 11:05 PM
did u look outta window today? the sky's orange!
ystd's tau hway was rather satisfying.. been quite awhile since i ate it and also the dou jiang you tiao! i guess i can officially call us the tau hway gang. y does it seem like we're always eating tau hway?! hilarious..
finally wenta joyce's house! haha and i think i was e 1st outta e 4 of us. neh neh ni boo boo. c'mon lets have a piggies gathering at Joyce's house soon! ( :
omg stupps!! i JUST saw tt Shunji Matsuo eyecandy at gardens! YAY! ring any bells?? x)
how's everyone!!! :)) been t0o busy with projs since school started and we have yet to touch any during the holidays. i noticed ive been complaining alot abt damn projs.. once again im gonna whine and be a grumpie girl! projs suck big time!! argh
and im totally gonna screw up my TP. i don't have enough time to learn and its approachin soon!! DAMN. some help there pls!! :(
Had a great time at Vivo ystd! YES i love kim gary! it has the best french toast in town accompanied with a great view! :D its reasonably priced and tasty with peanut butter! $2 only! ooooohhh yum yum. its better than XIN WANG and the HK cafe at taka. oh but i think the Ying Yong at XIN WANG taste nicest! try it!! im addicted to it!

omg im like in love with HK food! in fact i <3

and disneylands hahhah..
Blood Diamond was great! i bet many have watched it alr.. quite documentary. I'd give it 4 popcorns! but some ppl don't agree.. still can make fun of Solomonn, "Did u see he's nose!?! the nostrils!! " im sure u guys know who im talking about haha.. who else will say such retarded stuff! -_-
and its so sadd to hear abt how diamonds come about.. but it's still my bestfriend :D hahha and then babe was like "COME, LET'S BUY CRYSTALS!" and i cant believe G fell asleep! tsktsk.
p/s: if u guys din know.. Cathay's the cheapest among all, check out the website! and using UOB VISA allows u to have 12% off! AWESOME! i prolly saved close to 20bucks alr! hahhaha!and did i mention i almost died twice and 2 encounters with cockroach aka
xiao jiang or chacha.
Today, 2nd almost-road-death experience along Paya Lebar road. seriously its not encouraged to speed thr, eventhough it may be fun cos of the ups and downs and may seem like a rollar coaster. BUTT many accidents have ocurred there alr! "
ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" screamed my lungs out just now, almost hit a cab. and that clown freaked out 5secs ltr, got scared cos of my scream.
1st almost-road-death experience was at Cairnhill thr, approaching the tunnel to back to CTE. taxi driver was probably to engrossed in talking about how great his cab was and almost collide with a stupid vios/altis racer wannabe. SHOCK OF MY LIFE MAN! thought e 3 of us were gonna die like that.. then left Jon alone to do project HAHAH! stupid sia!
the 2nd encounter with baby cockroach: Temasek Poly Biz Park Mee Soto
noticed the feelers.. like ewww! YUCK!! how can fried onions have feelers! and so.. it is a baby cockroach. and den i screamed alil again.. luckily i 2 glimpse b4 eating it. i bet Jon would have eaten it already! haha
1st encounter with baby cockroach too: clown's car. wonder y when ur car's so damn cleaned already. mmm
alright bedtime.. got eye infection again! sian!
kiss the earth and be joyful
kissed : 1:24 AM
first of all.. let me wish everyone here..
its already 2007 and i'll be turning 19 in 3months time OMG so OLD!!! :(
its a brand new year! woohoo!! let's all look forward --> haha and not look back <---. i have to admit tt 2006 wasn't a good year for me, in fact its rather true tt 2006 is a bad year for dragons.
Anyways, lets forgive and forget, let bygones be bygones, the past be memories which will remain in our hearts.
WHAT A WAY TO START OF 2007! its been a blast so far.. my heart almost stop beating for that very moment! finally sat on the long awaited BUNGY jump thingy. o wells it was being sponsored, why not! thanks!

A slower version of a rocket, screaming my ass off as it took off way up high! AWESOME! EXHILARATING! BOMBSHELL! YAYY!!! I LURVEEEEE IT! xD But den again, i was probably a laughin stock to many, as they said my scream was like a surround sound system thing. hmph. >.<