YAY! i stayed up for the sunrise :D
but unfortunately as i was too immersed in my notes..
the next thing i knew, its broad daylight already! AIYOYO! tahaha
exams in a few hours time. shall take a nap soon.
anyways, its 11 more days to Bangkok ! HELL YEAH !
good morning for now! : )
kissed : 7:27 AM
happy happie new year !
im lovin' it :D
kissed : 10:03 PM
happy new year! GONG XI FA CAI! :D
happie birthday babe! (:
kissed : 3:42 PM
YAY! im finally done with sch, done with YEAR2!!!! 2.2 has been rather slack only at the beginning and super hectic at the end. eeks! hate this rush hour. so let me take a moment and say goodbye to projs, lectures and tutorials and not forgetting mr director. at least for the next 2 months ;)
oh and i did not attend school today, too shagged and into the mood for holidays! skipped a revision lecture today. die lah.. mummie is getting real pissed at for me for the late nights. o wells, i better mug my ass off for my exams! DIE DIE must do well ah. anyways, i missed my tau hways sessions. GAGAGA
XIAO ZHU: its been a while since i chased any celebs, guessed i have passed this whole thang of going crazaye over stars. tt was so secondary school lah haha! BUT! the long awaited day finally arrived! hahaha and i needed to see how he looked in reality. and oOo la la! we all went GAGA =D hes god damn HANDSOME LAH! dance moves are damn hott sia!
but obviously im not tt insane, went for the showcase at DXO only. awesome mann.. woohoo! was less than a metre away from him. waahhh x) babe and i cant stop saying: "WAH HE'S DAMN HOTT LAH!"
i think we all got high on this. "see hum dao gae"

and yes, i banged. so now me and stupps look really stupps! hahaha

so how did u spend ur valentine's day?
Happy New Year everyone! : )
kissed : 6:14 PM
this is probably gonna be the longest entry! been too caught up with school and damn projs. but here i m, back again =)
so much to say so lil time !!!
okay lets start off with last Saturday.. watched The Unseeable, i think its a continuation from the thai show; Nanak. thought it would be a WHOAH show, but unfortunately wasnt wad i expected. from a horror movie, it turned out to be a comedy. all thanks to e two comedians.. -_- but it was all night of fun, joy and laughter!
4 retards making a full outta ourselves in town in the middle of the night. GAGAGAGAGA damn cock.

Babe got her casio camera! AWESOME! damn good.. details soon. did alil retail therapy at bugis and at the same time, checked out the chinese horoscope! finally sometime for ourselves.. ate and fishy and co again hahha!
this year.. for dragons, shud be rather promising. hopefully :)
Tuesday: my 1st circuit
walaoey.. damn tough. 2nd circuit was worst! i hate slope! eeks
Wednesday: YOKO DAY

DAMN the yoko ok.. and the chicken wing. anyways i jus found out tt Winsor Hotel which is located at Aljunied there, has cheap pool and billiard! YAY ! only $3/hr after midnight.
thanks to rat and lippy................................
Thursday: wasted trip down j8

A good meetup session with my long lost sisters :) kmiang and delphine. where's vanessa?! hahah.. 6hours of waiting.. for nothing. but great catching up again! lol.. becos our supposedly kbox sessions are nv fulfilled. PLEASE KMIANG! u r officially e da jie alr. pls plan something heh. the spagettis.. tsktsk hahah

playing with del's phone.. this is how crazy they are. HAHHA we're missing somebody.. kbox soon pls. 4 of us! (:
Friday: TGIF!
finally all projs down. on second thoughts.. tt means exams are approaching. SIAN!

now its time for some partaye! Dinner at V'illage.. was craving for Ding Tai Fung's xiao long bao but e queue was WHOAH! freakin long! Lippy met us for dinner too. guess who we bumped into while walking..

kissed : 3:10 PM
guess wad's my other bonus from thailand!? tadahhh!
was laughing my head off when i saw e word "DIETS" with the S. and a small pink pig to hang on my cellphone. ANYWAYS THANK U 3 AGAIN! (: mwahh
am so glad to hear some positive comments from my lecturer for our proj presentation! :)))) hopefully able to Ace it. 2 down= 2 more to go. CHOPCHOP! hee. Some CNY retail therapy with e rest! omg and e funniest part was Gary wanted to get all 4 colours of a skinnies from ZARA ladies. its freakin tight lah! some places just "qiao" qi li hahaha. HILARIOUS !!
Singapore seems so small we have nowhere to go, everywhere just seems so damn crowded. hellooooo is Singapore over populated? den some smartie came up with Arab Street. YAY finally tried sheesha! mmmm sweeeeeet.
and then this song started to play in gary's car. lurrrrrve e song so much! it was on my playlist for like umpteen times, but that was so many years ago. sec 2? right stupps haha. 6 yrs ago!? holy moly! A Walk to Remember is so sweeet!Ninety miles outside Chicago,
Can't stop driving, I don't know why
So many questions, I need an answer
Two years later you're still on my mind
Whatever happened to Amelia Earhart?
Who holds the stars up in the sky?
Is true love just once in a lifetime?
Did the captain of the titanic cry?
Someday we'll know
If love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know
Why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know
Why I wasn't meant for you
Does anybody know the way to Atlantis?
Or what the wind says when she cries?
I'm speeding by the place that I met you
For the ninety-seventh time... tonight
Someday we'll know
Why Samson loved Delilah
One day I'll go
Dancing on the moon
Someday you'll know
That I was the one for you
I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow
Watch the stars crash in the sea
If I could ask God just one question
Why aren't you here with me tonight?
ok time for moveeeeee! have an awesome night!
kissed : 11:36 PM