I prayed so hard for today to come! happyhappy! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
too shagg to blog. will do so tmr :)
kissed : 1:33 AM
And so we went to Ang Mo Kio Hub today! the crowd was over-flowing, really packed. ALL THANKS TO LABOUR DAY. I think its nicer than Tampines Mall! many pretty nice retail shops ! :) eventhough i only walked the first level HAHAH. There's NEW YORK NEW YORK! yum yum. anyway Tiamo has new BURGER! and i think the beef burger is better than NEWYORK's. but the mudpie's not bad together with the Buffalo Wings!
OH YEAH!! There's like 45% off Waffles at ICE CUBE from Monday to Friday 4.30 to 7pm! woohoo which is only $6!!
I missed my first lecture ystd. its freakin 9am in the morning. o wells, i'll prolly miss next week's too. I just come to realise that my timetable really suckkkkkkkkkk. I have lesson at 9am on thurs which means no Ladies Night at Zouk. BORIN! Im hopping for OSIP, so i finally applied for it on the very last day. so lets all cross our fingers for ME. x)
SPIDERMAN is finally out today, and i heard its fullhouse! maybe i should start to book tickets now for thurs'. wheeeeeeee. this is so random, but i suddenly rmb ppl always scolding ppl to go fuck spider. WTF!?
My e-commercing is back again! tts not gooood! just cant resist Victoria Secret's cute and sexy lingerie! i needa stop it right now and recuperate all my $ from Thailand and prolly save all the money again and head somewhere else and spend all my $ there!
okay bed time.
I think i needa make it clear; I have not done anything wrong.
kissed : 12:48 AM