after buffet ive been a pig recently.. taking MCs on tests dates. just cant study at home!! been feeling so lethargic, i need so much sleep now den ever. doc give me relaxant pills hahha.when i was towning with babe last week, i realised i haven't been shopping alot. I missed the GSS. i didn't buy anything at all, its so sad. we were practically rushing here and there, its like TIME BOMB EVERYWHERE!! couldn't enjoy wasting time at a shop, and try all the clothes at f21. its quite funny how we saw cheap nice bags at GAP but we couldnt even look at it for more than 10secs den we had to rush off for work.but thanks baby for my e-commercing!! wheeeee :) atleast i got to buy couple of stuff online.1 presentation down, 3 more to go. we're so dead with all our unfinished projs. events presentation was so simplified, we had to tell each other to present our parts real slow to pass time HAHAHA. tt's like the first time! cos normally we have so much to present that we have to nudge one another to speak faster so as not to exceed the time limit. lots of bombings from frenzy classmates till our tutor had to speak up for us. heh
met up with stups on friday, great dinner at Thai Accent! yummmmie! their thai iced tea has layers can!! and i love the thick tom yum soup! then it was a little to late for some retail therapy, so we headed off to wineBar since its Law and Media night. The month's special promotion: Melon dew. TRY IT!! really nice for a girl! it was already packed by 11, but we managed to grab a 4seater table HAHAHA. how selfish for just the 2 of us. hehehe. great catchin up, neighbour. oops i mean "STAPS" lol.Dinner with baby at Bliss ystd. Its actually a restaurant at Punggol Park, so weird right? first time there.. but surprisingly it was crowded! first time eating escargot.. cos baby likes it. and now i like it too!! the food was alright, the sirloin steak was surprisingly thick, and my dory fish fillet comes with rice. and the best thing is there's no GST or service charge!!!
having alil fun @IKEA first aid room haha..
alright! back to the books. Ja-neh
kissed : 1:16 AM